Estate Planning Blog

Over 25 years ago, Phelps LaClair founder Stephen Phelps decided that he would take advantage of the warm Arizona climate and try his hand at planting citrus trees. Well, try he did, and he soon had 30 citrus trees in his backyard! That may seem like...

A lot can change in three years. Just ask an iPhone salesman. And just as most millennials can't fathom carrying around the same phone for three years, you shouldn't consider keeping the same trust for any longer than that. You probably already know that among the...

“Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” -Benjamin Franklin   Yes, it's true. Death and taxes are the two things in life we can't avoid. Even more discouraging is the fact that after a lifetime of paying taxes, it's possible that your estate is...

Happy New Year from the Phelps LaClair Team! We hope 2017 brings with it much success and happiness to you and yours. Are you one of the lucky ones who checked estate planning off your New Year to-do list quite some time ago? If so, good...

Around this time every year, we tend to get a lot of questions about how to gift money or property without paying a tax. With that in mind, here's a brief overview of some basics you need to know before your generous end-of-the-year giving.  When it...

With the holiday season now in full swing, many of us look for ways to show our gratitude by giving of our time and resources to those in need. But did you know that you can continue your legacy of giving right now and after...

Have you noticed that some social networking sites are starting to follow our lead when it comes to preparing for the future? A few, like Facebook, are starting to provide options for people to protect their "digital assets," just like we protect your financial assets...

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and the Team here at Phelps LaClair have been honored to help celebrate the abilities and contributions of people with special needs. James and his son Ashton participated in the Sharing Walk that took place in Tempe a few...

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