Estate Planning Blog

  Fall is upon us! Fall and winter are typically the most active flu seasons. This year, the normal danger of the flu is compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. Protecting yourself from these viruses is paramount. Phelps LaClair is committed to healthy living. Our clients in...

  COVID-19 is an evolving and rapidly changing health crisis, as we all know. The people most at risk from serious health effects are the elderly. Many of these vulnerable people will need long-term care. At Phelps LaClair, we have long advocated for long-term care solutions...

  As of the middle of September, 2020, Maricopa County has 710 active COVID-19 cases. 606 of those cases are found in long-term care facilities (166), assisted living facilities (364), and rehab facilities (76). We have long advocated for everyone to have an estate plan that...

  Phelps LaClair is one of the premiere estate planning law firms in the Phoenix area. We design and create an estate plan that is unique for each client. We often get asked, “What is a revocable living trust, and why do I need one?” Most...

  We all know the commercial that asks the question: what’s in your wallet? Well, we want to know: what’s in your estate plan? While a wallet carries ID, bank cards and cash, an estate plan contains so much more. In addition to your liquid assets...

  A common question we get at Phelps LaClair is, “What happens to my stuff if I die without a will?” As estate planning attorneys with 40 years of doing business in Phoenix, we know that most people think that your “stuff” automatically goes to your...

  At Phelps LaClair, serving Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix and Scottsdale, we believe that regular exercise and staying physically fit are key factors in healthy living. We are estate planners, and we desire to see our clients live long and healthy lives. Two essentials for safe exercise...

  When is the best time to create an estate plan? As a young person, you think you are invincible, so it doesn’t occur to you to plan ahead to old age. Later, when you are involved in your career, you often feel too busy to...

  Phelps LaClair is a second generation estate planning law firm serving Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix and Scottsdale. Our business is designing estate plans that will protect your assets while you are living and help you to pass them on to your beneficiaries when the time comes....

Phelps LaClair is a premier estate planning law firm in the Phoenix Metro area. We are well acquainted with folks who want a solid estate plan. But they also feel an urgency to get it done quickly at this time. We understand that. And we...

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