
The Importance of Food and Hydration


At Phelps LaClair, serving Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix and Scottsdale, we believe that regular exercise and staying physically fit are key factors in healthy living. We are estate planners, and we desire to see our clients live long and healthy lives. Two essentials for safe exercise are proper nutrition and staying hydrated. As well as planning for the future, we need to plan for safe exercise. There are food and drinks that are helpful to keep us energized and hydrated. And there are different needs before, during and after exercise.

Fuel and Fluid

We need fat and carbohydrates to fuel our bodies during exercise. Most of us have enough stored fat in our bodies to last through a long exercise regimen, so we can concentrate on carbs. Our carbohydrate stores are in the form of muscle glycogen, and they can be depleted in a moderately long exercise period. When this happens, you will become weaker and slower. Those carbs need to be replenished.

Staying hydrated is even more important during exercise. Dehydration means a reduced blood flow, and a reduced ability to sweat. This deprives your muscles of oxygen and allows your body to overheat. Starting out fully hydrated and maintaining hydration during exercise is the best approach to healthy exercise.

Before Exercise

If you are doing anything more than a walk or jog, you will need to check your carbohydrate levels before exercise. Eating a small meal one to four hours before doing vigorous exercise will supply a reserve of fuel for your muscles. Foods low in fiber and high in carbs will work best.

To stay hydrated, you should drink plenty of water an hour before exercise, and again fifteen minutes before your workout. A pint of water each time is a good starting point.

During Exercise

During exercise, you are going to lose hydration through sweat. It’s your body’s way of maintaining a healthy temperature while burning those calories. When your workout is less than an hour, drink six to eight ounces of water every fifteen minutes. For an extended period of exertion, a sports drink will supply hydration along with glucose and electrolytes. You can add an energy bar if your workout is more than two hours.

After exercise

Exercise depletes your body’s reserves, so it’s important to restore the food storage to normal levels. A healthy diet of protein, fat, fruits and vegetables will rejuvenate your body. A meal of high carbs eaten within a couple of hours of exercise will begin to rebuild your glycogen stores.

Hydration also needs to be restored. You need to drink enough water to bring your fluids up to normal. This will be dependent on how much water you lost through sweat, and how hot the temperature was during your workout. You will know that you have had enough liquid when your urine is clear. Avoid consuming alcoholic, caffeinated, or sugary drinks. Rely on food to restore energy, rather than fruity sports drinks.


Healthy planning

When you plan carefully to supply your physical needs during exercise, your body will respond with greater strength and energy. Your life will run smoother and you will experience a higher degree of satisfaction. The same is true when you plan carefully for your future. Everyone needs an estate plan—it’s the surest way to protect your wealth, your long term health and your ability to pass on an inheritance to the next generations. Call Phelps LaClair today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your estate planning needs and goals. Like proper nutrition and hydration, an estate plan will bring you many benefits and peace of mind about the future.



Images used under creative commons license (Commerical Use) 08/28/2020  Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

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