Everybody needs to have regular exercise to stay healthy. Yes, we are an estate planning law firm, but Phelps LaClair is also big on exercise as a way of increasing life satisfaction, good health, and longevity. But not every form of exercise needs to be...

  At Phelps LaClair, we’re all in when it comes to sports. We know that participation in sports means exercising and building friendships. These go a long way toward living a long and healthy life. There are many opportunities to join in fun outdoor (and indoor)...

  As an estate planning law firm, Phelps LaClair is interested in your future. We want our clients to live long, healthy and prosperous lives. The COVID-19 situation we are presently experiencing has brought a new set of challenges to be overcome. So let’s put on...

Bette Davis once said, “Old age ain’t no place for sissies!” When we were younger, we may have thought she was just complaining about getting old. As we age, however, we come to appreciate the truth behind that statement. Phelps LaClair is a second-generation estate...

At Phelps LaClair, we know it is important to take a break from work and enjoy friends, family and life itself. After all, rest is what rejuvenates us and allows us to reset our priorities and even our direction in life. At this time of...

  Fall is upon us! Fall and winter are typically the most active flu seasons. This year, the normal danger of the flu is compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. Protecting yourself from these viruses is paramount. Phelps LaClair is committed to healthy living. Our clients in...

  At Phelps LaClair, serving Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix and Scottsdale, we believe that regular exercise and staying physically fit are key factors in healthy living. We are estate planners, and we desire to see our clients live long and healthy lives. Two essentials for safe exercise...

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