Estate Planning Blog

There’s one crucial step that many people skip after signing their trust document—actually funding the trust. If you forget to complete this step, your assets will remain subject to probate and be vulnerable to creditors after you’re gone. No matter how detailed the instructions you...

Inheritances are meant to be a way for you to pass on assets and wealth to the next generation, providing financial security and comfort for your loved ones. However, settling a loved one’s estate can be an emotional process. And it’s even more stressful when...

Looking for something to do on New Year’s Eve in Arizona this year? Luckily, there are plenty of activities for adults to enjoy as they count down to 2023. Whether you want to celebrate all night long or wrap up the night as soon as...

Drafting a will is an important first step in settling your affairs. But with so many types of wills out there, it can be overwhelming to know which one will be right for you. Luckily, you don’t have to choose just one—you can write several...

Choosing the right executor for your will is one of the most important parts of an estate plan. But what happens if you or your executor move to another state? Do you need to draft a new will? Can you have an out-of-state executor? Here’s...

There are many reasons you might need to change your power of attorney. You might fall out of touch with that person, they may no longer be a suitable choice, or you might simply change your mind. Luckily, your power of attorney can easily be...

Santa Claus is coming to town! He’ll be making lots of stops around Arizona this holiday season, so there will be plenty of opportunities to snap a pic and tell him what you want in your stocking this year. Mark your calendar—here's where to find...

Have you drafted your will yet? If you have one, when was the last time you made an update? Many factors can invalidate a will, such as moving to a new state or changes in state laws. Whether you still need to draft your first...

If you’ve been appointed the executor of an estate or if you’re expecting an inheritance, you may be wondering just how long the probate process can take.  Unfortunately, probate is a complex process, and there are many different factors that can delay its completion. There is...

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