Estate Planning Blog

Estate planning isn’t just about preparing for what happens after you pass away. You also need to plan for unexpected events that can occur during your lifetime. Every estate plan should include a power of attorney document.  Naming someone as your power of attorney can help...

Your home, vehicles, and investments aren’t the only things you need to include in your estate plan. You should also name beneficiaries for your personal property. Treasured items like a hope chest or a grandfather clock tell the tales of your family’s history.  But passing down...

Keeping your will up-to-date is very important. Whether you want to add a new family member or new assets to your will, it’s best to make those changes as soon as possible.  But even if you meet with your estate planning attorney on a regular basis,...

Retirement is an exciting milestone—you finally get to enjoy the hard-earned fruits of your labor. As you plan for your senior years, don’t neglect the responsibility of estate planning. A thorough estate plan will ensure that your assets are protected, your loved ones are provided...

Apple picking is a classic way to embrace the fall spirit. And if you’re an autumn-lover in the Phoenix area, you’ll be pleased to know that there are plenty of apple picking opportunities around. Each orchard offers its own unique charm, gorgeous views, and fresh...

The passing of a loved one can be a challenging and emotional time. And although there are many legal and financial matters to address after a loved one dies, it can be difficult to navigate through your grief. Understanding what happens to an estate after...

Estate planning is all about ensuring that your assets end up in the right hands. But when circumstances and relationships change, so can your estate plan. Sometimes this means having to disinherit someone from your will.  Disinheritance is always a sensitive and difficult decision. Understanding how...

Many people dread the thought of estate planning because they don’t know how to split up their assets equally. But not having an estate plan at all can lead to serious disputes between your loved ones. Although dividing an estate isn’t a one-size-fits-all task, there...

Modern technology has transformed the way we do almost everything, estate planning included. In 2018, Arizona became the third state to recognize electronic wills, or “e-wills,” as valid. An e-will functions the same as a hardcopy will, but it is a digital file instead of...

Temperatures on summer days in Arizona can reach anywhere from 90º F to 120º F. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay indoors all summer long. With proper planning, you can still enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities in Arizona this summer. Of...

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