Estate Planning Blog

In our last blog post we discussed the benefits of forming a Limited Liability Company for asset protection, taxes, and company structure. Because Phelps LaClair is the leader in the Phoenix Valley when it comes to estate planning, we have many Estate Planning options for...

It’s WINTER in Phoenix! And while much of the United States has to shovel snow and tolerate frigid temperatures, in our neck of the woods (or desert), that means the weather is perfect for getting outside. At Phelps LaClair, we love going outdoors as part...

We have many important conversations within our families. With young children we need to answer the “Where did I come from?” question. When they approach the teenage years, we find ourselves discussing the same topic with a bit more detail. As they begin to think...

Family is our most intimate social connection. And in past generations, it was assumed that younger generations would take care of the older generations. But in today’s society, two-income families and a plethora of community and social activities have changed the landscape of life as...

Our last Phelps LaClair blog post was about aging successfully and how our attitude can make a huge difference in the process of aging. But it’s possible that even with a great attitude and good self-care, a time will come when we simply cannot manage...

When we’re young, we don’t give much thought to growing older. But by the time we reach our 50s, we’re probably coming to terms with one reality of life: eventually, we grow old. However, there are keys to aging successfully! As an estate planning firm...

These days you can pay a fee and create your own online trust or will. The claim of the sites that offer these do-it-yourself forms is that you’ll save time and expense. But we’ve got a different perspective. At Phelps LaClair firm in the Phoenix...

Our parents took care of us and provided for us from conception to adulthood. They loved and nurtured us, helped us mature, and were vital to helping us develop the social and practical skills we needed in order to function and succeed in society. And...

In our most recent blog post we touched on several options for passing on your rental properties and real estate investments to your beneficiaries. In this post, we will look at additional factors to consider in your end-of-life planning as a real estate owner. At...

Only two things are certain, as they say: death and taxes. If you’re a real estate investor, you probably already plan for the certainty of paying taxes on your rental properties. But do you have a plan in place, should something happen to you? Phelps...

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