One of the most important steps in making a will is having it witnessed. Whether your will is typed, handwritten, or electronic, without the signatures of witnesses it will not be legally valid. But you have to be careful who you choose to be your...

Everyone needs a will. If you die without one, then the court gets to decide who inherits your property and who gets to care for your children. But what should you include in your will, and what should you leave out? In this post, we...

Your home, vehicles, and investments aren’t the only things you need to include in your estate plan. You should also name beneficiaries for your personal property. Treasured items like a hope chest or a grandfather clock tell the tales of your family’s history.  But passing down...

There is a quote from Jason Bourne in one of the early Bourne Trilogy novels: “Rest is a weapon.” Bourne was exhausted from days of sleeplessness. In spite of needing to stay vigilant, he recognized that he needed rest in order to be able to...

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) offer an excellent opportunity for people to save money in preparation for retirement. However, people who make more than a certain amount of money cannot contribute to a Roth IRA. But what if there was a way to contribute to a...

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