A bill has been passed by both houses of Congress that could impact the tax liability of any retirement funds that you pass on to your heirs. At Phelps LaClair in Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix and Scottsdale, the estate plans we write are designed to maximize...

No matter who is elected (or re-elected) on November 3, estate planning tax strategies post-election will need to be reassessed. Phelps LaClair is a second generation estate planning law firm serving Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix and Scottsdale. Helping our clients to navigate changing tax laws is...

  It’s never too early to plan for retirement. It may seem obvious, but in retirement your income will usually be less when compared with your working years. That’s why it’s a good strategy to begin saving while you have income. Tax-saving strategies during retirement will...

As a second generation estate planning law firm, we at Phelps LaClair understand the anticipation of retirement. Retirement planning, like estate planning, requires an honest assessment of your dreams, desires and goals for your golden years. Estate planning deals with your assets: financial accounts, real...

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