At Phelps LaClair, we know it is important to take a break from work and enjoy friends, family and life itself. After all, rest is what rejuvenates us and allows us to reset our priorities and even our direction in life. At this time of...

  At Phelps LaClair, serving Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix and Scottsdale, we believe that regular exercise and staying physically fit are key factors in healthy living. We are estate planners, and we desire to see our clients live long and healthy lives. Two essentials for safe exercise...

We have all been in lockdown for months. Spring has become summer and the sun is high in the sky. Even in the blazing heat of an Arizona summer, the temptation to spend time outside can be overwhelming. Your psyche might be longing for the...

  Life is more than just getting by. Estate planning is always looking to the future, certain that today’s triumphs can be passed on to succeeding generations. At Phelps LaClair, we know it is important to stay healthy for the long haul. Our families and communities...

The songwriter Paul Simon once said, “A good day is when nothing new hurts.” At Phelps LaClair, serving Phoenix, Chandler, Mesa and Scottsdale, we value good health. Daily activity is one of the keys to a long and healthy life; yet as we grow older,...

At Phelps LaClair, we know that estate planning is all about protecting your assets. And your greatest asset is your health! We also know that regular exercise leads to a longer, healthier life, so we encourage our clients (and everyone else for that matter) to...

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