31 Mar Safe Outdoor Activities in Phoenix
Life is more than just getting by. Estate planning is always looking to the future, certain that today’s triumphs can be passed on to succeeding generations. At Phelps LaClair, we know it is important to stay healthy for the long haul. Our families and communities are depending on us to go the distance in attaining a healthy lifestyle.
Stay informed and stay healthy
In this time of a national medical crisis, it can be easy to panic and lose sight of reality. But we need to remind ourselves of past medical success in dealing with viral epidemics. Especially during a time before the advanced medical technology we have today. One of the discoveries coming out of the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918-19 is that fresh air and sunshine were virtual virus killers. Fresh air does not carry viral droplets, so the risk of exposure to viruses when you are outside is much lower. Just be sure to maintain at least 6 feet of distance between you and other people, per CDC recommendations. At present, outdoor exercise is permitted and encouraged, even with the recent stay at home order from Gov. Ducey. And be sure to keep up with new guidelines as they come out.
Arizona, and especially the Phoenix Valley, is ideally situated to take advantage of both fresh air and sunlight. Sunlight has two benefits: it helps the body to produce vitamin D, which boosts your immune system; and the ultraviolet band in sunlight which is a natural virus killer. At Phelps LaClair, we advocate for healthy physical activity. Here are some of the outdoor activities in Phoenix you can do this time of year:
1. Cycling
Both road cycling and mountain biking are great physical activities that build stamina and muscle mass. They are great calorie burners and can be excellent aerobic workouts. Road cycling doesn’t have to mean racing; you can tootle around your neighborhood and still enjoy the benefits of being out in fresh air and sunshine. There are numerous walking and biking paths around Phoenix if you are inclined to take a longer ride.
There are dozens of great mountain biking trails near Phoenix, too. Some will be strenuous, but many will be easy. The natural beauty of the Phoenix Valley will captivate you! Just be sure to take plenty of water and carry a tire repair kit with you.
2. Kayaking/Canoeing
Lake Pleasant and the Lower Salt River are two great places for kayaking and canoeing. They are within the Phoenix metro area and are popular with the locals. These water activities are good for building stamina and balance. They also provide workouts for strength and cardio. The main muscle masses that are affected are the shoulders and arms, legs and torso, and the glutes. Both kayaking and canoeing can be soothing or adventurous; it all depends on what you want from the activity.
3. Walking and Hiking
We recently covered these in a blog post, but we want to reemphasize that one of the best exercises is one you can do with no need for special equipment. Walking a mile every day is one of the best ways to burn a few calories, enjoy fresh air, and get some vitamin D inducing sunlight. In addition, for extended excursions, there are many hiking trails within easy reach of every neighborhood in the Phoenix area. They range from easy to difficult, from urban to mountain, and everything in between. Don’t overlook the benefits of walking!
Live long and prosper!
Mr. Spock said it best. This is what we at Phelps LaClair wish for you and all our clients. We are here for all of your estate planning needs to help you secure a financial future for the next generations. We offer a free first time consultation to discuss your estate planning goals and options. There is no obligation on your part, so call us today. In the meantime, let us know some of your favorite outdoor activities in Phoenix. Stay active and stay healthy for the long haul!
Images used under creative commons license (Commerical Use) 03 31 2020 Photo by Humphrey Muleba from Burst