Your presenter: James Phelps, Estate Planning Attorney
At Phelps LaClair we believe in educating the Arizona community about the best estate planning methods, and we do it in simple terms without all the legalese. Please join us for a FREE estate planning seminar if:
- You have assets worth more than $75,000 and want to save your loved ones thousands of dollars in needless fees and years in Arizona’s Probate Court system.
- You are concerned that the inheritance you leave your loved ones will be wasted away on estate taxes, frivolous spending or unintended beneficiaries (such as a child’s ex-spouse or creditors).
- You are concerned about who will manage your finances during a time of illness or disability.
- You have an old Will or Living Trust that has not been updated with all the new laws in the past 5 years.
- You are considering an internet, do-it-yourself or bargain-priced estate plan that will almost certainly end up in court.
All guests will be offered a free attorney consultation, complimentary meal, and a special fee discount!
Online registration for this seminar is not currently available. Please call our office at (480) 892-2488 to RSVP
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