Mistake #6: Failing to Keep your Trust up to Date

Here’s video #6 in the Top 7 Estate Planning Mistakes in Arizona video series. This may be the most common mistake we see. As your life changes, your estate plan might need to change too.

In this video we’ll cover some of the most common life changes that need to be updated in your Trust, including:

    Changing your decision makers (such as your successor trustees)

    Adding or Removing beneficiaries (such as grandkids)

    Changes in Arizona State Laws (such as tax laws)


At Phelps LaClair we believe it’s our job to help you keep the trust up to date and take the pressure off of you. So when you do a Trust with us, we include our “Lifetime Service Package” to ensure your Trust stays up to date. You can call us anytime you have questions without worrying about getting a bill.

We will even meet with your successor trustee at the time of death at no charge to get them started on the right path. This gives you the peace of mind to know that your trust will actually work when the time comes!

In the next & final video we’re sending you, I’ll explain The Importance of Not Procrastinating. And for completing this video series, we’ve included an exclusive offer in the last email, so be sure to check it out!

If you’re ready to discuss the best way to set up your estate plan now, you can call us at 480-741-2271 to schedule an appointment for a Free Consultation – No strings attached!

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